Legal Briefings: Estate Planning (Toronto)


Making an estate planning will is far from a popular task in Western society, which tends to have an aversion to anything death-related. However, it is never wise to leave essential decisions and preparations to the last moment—particularly when one considers the life’s various uncertainties.


By planning your estate in advance, you can save your family a huge amount of stress and added pain in the event of your passing, and also protect large portions of your estate from inheritance taxation. In addition, integrating your advanced directive into a legally binding document can also provide a sense of peace, particularly when facing health issues and the trials of aging.



Although many are put off by the perceived morbidity of creating a will, the reality of life is that our time together is limited, and we can never know for sure how many days we have left. By outlining our last wishes in advance and doing away with any related worries, we can free ourselves to more fully enjoy the time we have with our loved ones, creating a lasting legacy of shared memories that extends far beyond a simple inheritance. 



This is part of Kazembe Law’s “In the Know” legal information sessions. A series of free breakfast seminars presented by Kazembe Law. The seminars are intended to help you understand your rights and options in a variety of legal situations.


If you have any queries, contact us.


For most professionals—and individuals in general—a lawsuit is a total nightmare. Ranging from annoying and time consuming to financially and professionally crippling, a lawsuit upsets your personal and professional life, drains resources, causes huge amounts of stress and can result in a damaged reputation (or worse).

With lawsuits becoming increasingly common in our society, it is essential that you protect yourself by knowing the appropriate course of action to take should you find yourself in this unfortunate situation.

In addition,preemptive preparation can prove indispensable should a lawsuit manifest, particularly for those in service industries frequented by litigation.


The lawyers of Kazembe Law are experts when it comes to dealing with all types of lawsuits.


This week, our free In the Know seminar entitled “Holy #@$*, I’m Being Sued: Knowing Your Course of Action” is geared at preparing you for the worst-case scenario. Our experienced representatives will explain in detail the various steps you can take to deal with a lawsuit, and to protect yourself from potential litigation in the first place. Protect yourself, your family, your business and your personal assets by joining us for this special event and increasing your understanding of the litigation system.


This is part of Kazembe Law’s “In the Know” legal information sessions. A series of free breakfast seminars presented by Kazembe Law. The seminars are intended to help you understand your rights and options in a variety of legal situations.


 If you have any queries, contact us.


It’s time to make an estate plan

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unmatched global economic shutdown and an uncertain future. During these turbulent times, it is normal for people to start thinking about whether their affairs are in order if something happens to them. The question then arises how their loved ones and assets will be protected. Estate planning during COVID-19 can help to deal with some of the uncertainty.


The truth is, even if there is no imminent health threat, everyone should have an estate plan beforehand. If you don’t have one, then there’s no better time to put it together than now. If you suddenly pass away or become disabled without the proper estate planning in place, you and your family could be at great health and financial risk.


Like other businesses, the Courts are at one-time closing or imposing an extreme limit on the number of people permitted in court. As a result, the process of gaining legal authority to make important decisions on your behalf could be quite lengthy. It could take several months without having the correct papers for estate planning in place. However, it is never too late. You and your family can be covered from these types of circumstances with effective estate planning.


Estate planning considerations

Our professional estate planning lawyers offer simple strategies to help your estate planning during COVID-19: 

1. Use the time to get your assets for estate planning. You now have the time to reflect on the issues of estate planning. Utilize your isolation time in creating an effective estate plan for your children or loved ones. The current environment presents an opportunity to examine your overall estate plan. You may also consider strategies for wealth transfer that may be beneficial during this time period.


2. Estate planning during isolation. You may not be able to meet your lawyer physically but you may still be able to create, update, or finalize your estate plan. Most lawyers work remotely and are accessible to advise you through email, telephone, and video calls. You can always consult with a lawyer at Kazembe Law through a phone call or by sending an email to our law office. The lawyer can draw up documents for review and email them to you, or have them delivered by mail or a tracked delivery service.


3. Check your wills and trusts. If your family or financial situation has changed since you last had your estate plan prepared, it’s important to examine your existing estate plan right now. If you don’t have a basic Will or Revocable Living Trust Agreement in place, now is a good reason to start the planning on creating one and initiate the process for your estate planning.


Benefits of estate planning

There are many benefits of having a structured estate plan. These include avoiding probate, tax savings, disability planning, caring for minor children. For many, the most important benefit is peace of mind. Going to see an estate planning lawyer can be like going to the doctor for some people. However, realizing that you’ve planned at the right time and that your wishes, expectations, and priorities are in writing will ease some anxiety during these uncertain times.


At Kazembe Law, we acknowledge that all the needs of our clients are different. As a result, estate plans are not a one-size-fits solution for everyone. When you work with our expert team of lawyers, you can be assured that we will work with you to create a plan that works best for your needs today. Furthermore, we will be here to help you update the plan in the future should your financial situation change.


If you have any queries, contact us